Category: Security Dogs

Why a Personal Protection Dog?

Protection dogs use their keen sense of smell, acute hearing, and (it seems in many cases) a sixth sense of intuition, to keep their owners safe 24/7/365.  Nothing else compares!    As good as other means of personal protection are, they are limited: Protection dogs give the widest path of warning and therefore give the… Read more »

How to Live with a Working Dog

So, you have decided or may be deciding to get a working dog.  If you’re ready for it, this is one of the smartest decisions you’ll ever make.  If you’re not ready for it, it can be one of the most frustrating things you’ve ever done.  Let us give you some words of tried/true wisdom!… Read more »

The Importance of Human Leadership with a Dog


Nothing about dog training is automatic.  Some people are of the mistaken mindset that domestic dogs can simply perform as we want them to without any responsibility or direction on our part.  This mindset is a farce! A dog’s behavior is nearly always a reflection of his human.  If the human permits sloppiness in the… Read more »

Heightened Proficiency among Police Dog teams

In light of today’s chaotic society – with unchecked riots, homicides, anti-police racket, defunding – one thing is becoming crystal clear.  The pressure is on for law enforcement to fine-tune their operational procedure and the training behind it.  No matter which side of the police argument you find yourself, all eyes are on law enforcement… Read more »

Purchasing Older Pups as Working Dogs

This article is not for folks who want/have a pet puppy.  Rather, it is directed towards those wanting a future working dog.  If that’s you, read on and save yourself some money, time, and frustration. Many people short-circuit their working dog goals before they ever get their new pup home.  Why?  They purchased a young… Read more »

Police K9 Instructor Course

Security Dogs A professionally trained security dog can be a priceless addition to a security team.  With the canine’s scenting ability, formidable reputation as a defender, his agility, and his willingness to work with mankind, a security dog is a tremendous asset.  Today’s criminals are more prepared, more intelligent, and more malicious than in the… Read more »

Top Qualities of a Security Dog

Security Dog Sitting by Dog Trainer

With their heightened senses of smell and hearing, security dogs are reliable assets to any team of security personnel. From working closely with these dogs, we have observed some common qualities that our security pups display, making them perfect for the industry. It takes a certain type of dog to make it in the world… Read more »

Passive Bites for the Police K9

Your number is called on the radio for backup at the city park.  Upon arrival you meet with a fellow officer and discuss his suspicions. You find a suspect seated with his head in arms on a picnic table.  You notice a bottle of whiskey open and laying on its side, with the contents gone. … Read more »

A Word about K9 Certification

Annual or semi-annual certifications for Police K9 teams are a big deal.  Certification is a testing of the team’s skills and should be conducted by an independent tester/organization.  Let’s look at a few thoughts about certification. First, many departments are of the opinion that certifications must be conducted by a national agency but this is… Read more »