Course Overview

Introducing a break-through program in K9 trainer training! This course is literally the only one of its kind worldwide!
There are no prerequisites for this stand-alone course (an option is to add the online Behavior/Obedience course for learning how to train pet dogs and behavior issues). Since we do not recommend decoying your own dog, at least two dogs will be needed – one to conduct bitework with and one to train in trailing, detection, etc. More than two dogs are recommended in order to get more hands-on training experience. For more info, click here.
Training K9s is obviously a very hands-on skill. And a rare skill. Therefore we do require students to gain hands-on proficiency even during this online course. We’re here to help with that! Read on.
There will be handouts for you to download, videos to view, and notes to be taken while watching the videos. Some videos may not have accompanying handouts; it is therefore your responsibility to take notes of the information therein. There is a Final Exam at the end of the course so these handouts and notes will be extremely valuable for review. Furthermore, students will need a willing body to lay tracks/trails as they train for that skill within the course.
To facilitate hands-on training, online students are invited to visit us here at the College. This is NOT required but certainly encouraged. Be advised that there are prerequisites for your visit. The visit is designed to be towards the end of the course. Therefore, at the time of your visit, you and your dog will need to be on cold trails, past imprinting on target odor, and you should have some decoy/helper experience. Your visit will help to expand the skills of both you and your dog.
Please note: All students in this course will be involved as a decoy/helper/agitator. This will include bite-work with dogs in real-life settings. While safety measures are taught within the course, injury and/or death is a possibility. Those who are unwilling to be involved in this element of training should not apply to the K9 Instructor course.
***Students in our courses (especially the online versions) should be able to think, problem-solve, and strategize. Our courses are collegiate-level, not spoon-fed. If you’re not up to this level (physically and mentally), think twice before applying.***
A Canadian student commented: “I have been really enjoying your lectures. Great format, great delivery, and delivered in a way to allow for good retention.”
There is a Final Exam and Practical Exam at the end of the course
You are invited to attend here at the College (at the end of your course) with other classmates/Instructors and take your Final Exam and Practical Exam here at the Training Center.
Tuition for this online version is $3,750.
Available 2023 exam dates are as follows:
- April 17th – 28th
- May 8th – 19th
- Sept 11th – 22nd
- Oct. 30th – Nov. 10th
What is Required & What You Will Learn
Complete all course material and homework assignments, Final Exam, send videos to your instructor of you and your dog/s completing K9 skills (what we call the Practicals), or visit on-site to take your Final and Practicals. The final grade will be determined by these Practicals videos as well as the Final Exam. As with all of our other courses, students must at least acquire a final grade of 80% to graduate. Graduates are certified as a K9 Instructor.
Financing is available via the Tuition Finance Corporation. 50% of the tuition must be paid to the school as a down-payment. Depending upon credit score and other criteria, a monthly payment can be as low as $80/month. Students have up to 24 months to pay in full.* Student must first apply to the school (check yes on the application when asked if financing is needed). Upon acceptance, the school will initiate the contract via TFC.
Please note that once your course account is set up, there will be no refunds.
This course emphasizes obedience, trailing, bitework (including decoy work), and detection. These skills are taught from a leading-edge perspective, not low-level, outdated training. Graduates who utilize these methods will operate on a higher tier than many K9 trainers out there. Dog Trainer College constantly encourages our students to strive for excellence; never settle for mediocre.
This course certainly applies to working dog training. If you are having trouble acquiring solid working dogs for your course, we may have some available. Contact us for pricing and availability. We typically have German Shepherds and Malinois, and sometimes Labradors or German Shorthairs. Pricing varies according to age and the amount of training we have into the dog at the point of sale. For info on puppies, see our For Sale page.
- Understand the concepts behind efficient training
- Diagnose training problems and formulate a plan to overcome them
- Recognize health issues of the canine and be able to administer emergency first aid
- Select solid candidates for Police K9 dog prospects
- Understand how to train the detection dog from start to finish
- Comprehend case law that affects utilization of a K9
- Conduct practical agility
- Instruct handlers, K9 supervisors, and the K9
- Handle tracking/trailing dogs dependably
- Recognize canine behavior on the track
- Engage and neutralize a suspect
- Recognize inferior qualities that would hinder reliable K9 work
- Recognize the variety of equipment used in K9 training
- Utilize equipment effectively, properly, and safely
- Learn how to be a great decoy (helper, agitator)
- Teach tracking/trailing searches in various environments
- Learn about Osphresiology and how it affects the search
- Conduct SWAT operations with the K9
- Learn how to work with the dog – not against him; bringing out the best in the dog
- Understand how genetics, upbringing, and training technique will influence the final product
- Understand the need for real-life training and certifications
- Enhance the dog’s drives
- Utilize patrol containment techniques
Online Curriculum Outline
- Conditioning
- Phases of Training
- Correction vs. Reward
- Basic and Advanced
- Proper use of a Prong collar
- Proper use of a Remote collar
- Canine CPR
- Canine First Aid
- Kennel Management
- Confidence Development
- The Trailing Dog
- Osphresiology
- Narcotics and Explosives Detection
- Puppy
- Adult
- Drive Development
- Bite Sleeves
- Bite Suit
- Muzzle
- Proper Handling Techniques
- Agitation
- Working the Grip
- Target Biting
- Channeling Drives
- Scent Theory
- Variable Surface Trailing
- Scent Discrimination Trailing
- Problem Solving
- Patrol Containment Techniques
- Building Searches
- Open Area Searches
- K9 Swat Integration
- Problem Solving
- Case law
- Tactical Insertions
- Search & Seizure
- History of K9 training
- Real-life Scenario training
- Imprinting Target Odor
- Simple Direct Association
- Deferred Response
- Other Detection Training Methods
- Search Methods
- Vehicle Searches
- Building Searches
- Teaching the Alert
- Problem Solving
- Proofing