Tag: dog trainer school

Dog Trainer Career Outlook

Those who are looking to become a dog trainer are about to read some very exciting news! The field of dog training has seen nearly explosive growth in recent years.  And the great news is…the market is nowhere near full.  The US Dept. of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics gives animal trainers a 15% growth… Read more »

Dog Training is a Specialized Skill

Professional dog training is an extremely specialized skill.  Those wanting to become a certified dog trainer cannot simply apply at a state university and enroll in a dog training career path.  It simply is not offered there. Dog trainer schools are a few and far between.  Attending a reputable trainer school will probably mean travel… Read more »

A Career Investment

An education at the Dog Trainer College is an investment.  There are certainly costs involved however those sacrifices will be rewarded many times over to those who apply themselves.  Some misinformed people feel that an education or career as a dog trainer is a low-scale accomplishment.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Much like… Read more »

Why a Dog Trainer School?

dog trainer school

A School for Dog Trainers is just that… a school where trainers are trained. To be complete, the courses should be very thorough and taught by qualified, experienced, passionate instructors. If these are the case, the school will be a tremendous asset to those seeking knowledge in the dog training field. Why attend Dog Trainer… Read more »

Hands-on course vs. Online course

Online courses for dog training fill a need, typically for those who simply cannot travel. But dog training is very hands-on and practical. It is worth a little travel to find a reputable trainer school that offers the course/s that you wish to Major in. It is impossible to learn how to juggle a leash,… Read more »