When it comes to dog training, there are plenty of different routes that you can choose. While some dogs will stick to learning the basic dog training etiquette, others may learn the skills needed to perform personal protection or security. Depending on your dog’s needs, there are many different types of training. Temperament and genetics… Read more »
Successful dog training starts at the very beginning. Like children, puppies require rules and reinforcement to learn positive and negative behaviors. They need to understand their role in the family and learn the right ways to interact with people and other pups. Starting obedience training at a young age ensures a puppy grows up with… Read more »
Whether you are looking to become a certified dog trainer or just looking into the best place to get your dog trained, Conifer Canine and their Dog Trainer College can help! Sign up for dog training now and take steps to a more obedient K9 or invest in yourself by enrolling now into our dog trainer school program offered both in-person or online!