The Positive Impacts Obedience Trainers Have on Dogs and Owners

A beagle is fed by a treat by an obedience dog trainer

If you’re new to dog ownership or you’re considering getting a puppy, you may be wondering if obedience training is right for your animal. And if you’re considering becoming an obedience trainer, you may be wondering what good your work will do.

Well, obedience training comes with a whole host of benefits for both dogs and their owners. These trainers do important work that helps foster a better relationship between dogs and their owners. Here are some of the positive impacts these obedience trainers have on both dog and owner:


The safety aspect actually works a few ways. First off, an owner will just be safer with an obedient and well-behaved dog. That also goes for those who are around the dog often, especially children and other animals. Meanwhile, the dog will not be as much of a danger to itself. And in certain situations, such as when the dog may be unknowingly walking into danger (such as a busy street), things will go much more smoothly if the dog is used to following your commands. A word to the wise is, don’t wait until these crisis moments and then consider obedience training. Train beforehand!

Social Benefits

Obedience training will help dogs get along with humans in general, not just their owner. Plus, obedience training will help dogs socialize with other dogs. It’s important for dogs to understand how to communicate with other dogs and to know what is and isn’t acceptable. In short, obedience trainers help ensure your dog is able to make friends. On the other end of the spectrum, dogs who lack these social skills tend to not get out as much, whether it is because the owner just doesn’t want to deal with it or simple gets embarrassed by the way the dog acts. Either way, the social side of training is important!

Build a Bond

Perhaps the most important benefit of an obedience trainer is helping to build a bond between the dog and its owner. Owners will well-behaved and obedient dogs tend to have a stronger bond with their pet. A dog that is well-trained, relaxed, and responsive is a dog that you will get great pleasure from owning. Communication is enhanced, confusing is limited, and life marches on more smoothly for both the human/s and the dog/s. Meanwhile, the dog will enjoy how appreciative you are of their behavior.

If you’re interested in getting into a profession where you can help build the bond between dog and owner, behavior and obedience training classes at Dog Trainer College may be perfect for you. This six-week course for dog trainers will teach you how to reinforce obedience, positive behavior, and a trainable disposition in dogs, all from a well-rounded, balanced perspective. Call 800-795-4201 to learn more today!